Wednesday 26 February 2014

High Noon
Dir: Fred Zinnemann
As influential and highly praised High Noon is in the genre, it's never really been copied or imitated, in fact Westerns since have shied away from its overall feel and idea. That's because Westerns represent capitalism. It's mostly why they are full of villains, ownership and an every man for himself attitude. High Noon is a liberal allegory for blacklisting, McCarthy's red-baiting being at the forefront of the swipe. Many top names declined the leading role due to it's political undertones, many didn't get the chance because they were grey listed but it seemed fitting that active liberal Cooper got the part. The fact that John Wayne hated it so much makes me love it even more, it really is the Western for people who don't like Westerns. John Wayne was a fool. Makes you wonder if being un-American is to be American or if being American is un-American. Either way, John Wayne was an ass. Politics aside, the picture is beautiful, with a lighter than usual tint added for maximum effect. What a cast too, it's a who's who of Hollywood's most overlooked actors of the 1950s.

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