Monday 3 March 2014

A Woman's Secret
Dir: Nicholas Ray
A Woman's Secret isn't so much a 'Who dunnit?' but more of a 'Who, why and how?'. The conclusion isn't really that much of a surprise, we've been a bit spoiled since the film was made in 1949 and perhaps expect a little more from our twists. That said, it doesn't really seem that important, at least, it's not the most interesting thing about the film. The real strength are the characters and the script. The dialogue is perfect through and through, the relationships between Marian Washburn and Susan Caldwell, Marian Washburn and Luke Jordan, Luke Jordan & Fowler, Fowler and Mrs. Fowler are all wonderful. Towards the end it is probably Mrs. Fowler that steals the show, in any other film that would be a huge distraction but not here. Nicholas Ray knew what he was doing.

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