Monday 12 May 2014

Dir: David Twohy
After the odd and unpopular side-step that was The Chronicles of Riddick, David Twohy decided to give the people what they want and that is more of the same that made Pitch Black so popular. When I say more of the same I mean exactly the same. Instead of the beasties coming out when it is dark, they now come out when it's wet and guess what, there's a rain coming. It's silly and mindless, fun and entertaining. The beginning of the film shows Riddick in solitude, he tames a Dog and lives a simple life of survival. This part of the story is strong and gives David Twohy's vision of the character some weight. He then gets on with what we want, a silly horror with Aliens that have sharp tails. It's Pitch Black 2, forget that The Chronicles of Riddick ever happened and enjoy.

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