Monday 2 June 2014

Bean (AKA Bean: The Ultimate Disaster Movie)
Dir: Mel Smith
I enjoyed Mr. Bean when it was first broadcast back in 1990. It was simple, universal and I was a fan of Rowan Atkinson. It was pretty much the only thing I found funny that I could enjoy watching with my parents. The joke wore a little thin though after a while though and by 1995 when the show ended it had lost most of its original appeal. Thankfully for those involved, the fact that it's all physical comedy and no dialogue mean't it translated quite well across the globe. So it seemed logical to the rest of the world when Bean the Movie turned up but not so much in England whereby we were all pretty sick of it by that point. The Film was purely for the American audience. All the jokes are repeats of Bean's 'Greatest hits' but not as good. There is far too much talking and the list of cameos is ridiculously long and unnecessary. It's a deformed version of Bean that made loads of money but had little of the charm of those first few episodes. Why did Bean become more popular and successful then Blackadder?

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