Monday 2 June 2014

Blood and Chocolate
Dir: Katja von Garnier
Blood and Chocolate, because why should Vampires get all the miserable fun? Seriously though, this film really does seem to be a Werewolf film that wants to be in competition with your common Vampire film but fails by almost copying every element, with all the same miserable teenagers, poncy night clubs, arrogant long haired boys, moody 'you don't understand me' story-lines that even the most miserable of teenage goths is bored of by now (although they do get bored quite easily). It brings nothing new to the idea of werewolf-ism apart from the fact that these Werewolves are more pure, which is pretty handy as it means the film makers save money on special effects and can just get a couple of trained Dogs in instead. Seriously, I want my Werewolves to be big, scary and to rip people to pieces, I do not expect them to mope about making chocolate and drinking absinthe because they think it's cool. Werewolf films are not meant to be this boring. The transformation scenes are good though in that they are camp as hell and unintentionally funny.

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