Friday 4 July 2014

One Good Turn
Dir: John Paddy Carstairs
In my opinion, Norman Wisdom is up there with Buster Keaton, Charlie Chaplin and Harold Lloyd when it comes to physical comedy but unlike the three greats, he also had a great singing voice and could switch to serious acting in a heartbeat. He is often compared, and is sometimes known as, the British version of Jerry Lewis. Now I love Jerry Lewis but he's got nothing on Norman - Norman Wisdom is a one off, you may like both but they are very different in my mind. In fact I would say Norman Wisdom would be the angel on the left compared to WC Fields devil on the right when it comes to slapstick. The best thing about Norman Wisdom's prat-falls is that he laughs them off, it's very much a signature move and for me has always been the thing that has set him above the rest. Lee Evans owes a lot to him! One good turn is funny and moving and when it's funny, it's really funny. It's got Thora Hird in it too as a bonus! Timeless classic - One of the few films I'll still be watching as an old man!

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