Wednesday 3 September 2014

The Lookout (AKA Le Guetteur)
Dir: Michele Placido
The Lookout is a high-octane original thriller from Italian director Michele Placido that really blurs the lines between the good guys and the bad guys. Often in modern heist films we're coaxed into cheering for the robbers, we want them to get away with it as if they're modern day Robin Hood's. They're not, they low life thieves, just good with gadgets and forward planning. The Lookout doesn't pretend they are anything more than that but the criminal code, if there is such a thing or ever was, is explored quite effectively. It takes a curious path and is certainly never predictable. It's not funny, it's very serious and everything a modern heist film should be. If you want a quality crime thriller, you go to Michele Placido.

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