Friday 10 October 2014

Starship TroopersInvasion
Dir: Shinji Aramaki
Shinji Aramaki's Starship TroopersInvasion is supposed be a 'sort of' sequel to the original 1997 movie, albeit several years later and without any of the original actors, quality or satire. Basically it totally misses the point of the original. The film is animated, a full blown live action version would have been an expensive mistake and I think the makers know this but this has also obviously been a work of passion by the animators involved. Plus I get the feeling there wasn't exactly a lot of money backing up this production. The animation is pretty good though, apart from the people's faces but it is like watching a really detailed video game without being able to actually play it. No one likes watching someone else playing video games and that rule applies here also. As no brainer action films go I guess it's okay but Starship Troopers deserves better than this. The weird animated porn scenes made me like it even less so and only goes further in suggesting that the makers didn't really get what the original was really about. It's odd and unnecessary.

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