Tuesday 20 January 2015

Back to Normandy
Dir: Nicolas Philibert
I can't believe this film is from the same man that gave us Etre et Avoir! Moi, Pierre Rivière, ayant égorgé ma mère, ma soeur et mon frère looks like a great film but hardly anyone has seen it as it was never widely distributed. Is this nostalgic travelogue supposed to gather interest so that it will be released in the future? It's a poor attempt if that is the intention! This may be one of the most pointless and boring 'Documentaries' of all time. It isn't intriguing or interesting like the critics say, only the film links the incredibly normal people together and seeing as no one has seen it, who really cares? Only one man is vaguely interested and he is Nicolas Philibert who obviously made it for himself but thought he'd try and get some money for it.  Oh, and showing the slaughter of Pigs completely unnecessarily was stupid and pointless and I didn't like it. When killing a pig is the best you can do for filler, you should reassess what it is you are trying to achieve. Etre et Avoir was a fluke it seems, avoid unless you want to be bored out of your mind - unless you are one of the few hundred people who have seen the original film maybe.

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