Monday 19 January 2015

Dir: David Ayer
Arnold Schwarzenegger has been 'back' for a couple of films by this point in his acting career, not all the films have been great but it's clear to see the levels in which he is adjusting after a long stint away from the cameras. I expected another film like The Expendables to be honest so Sabotage took me by surprise somewhat. I am not the biggest David Ayer fan, far from it in fact but Sabotage really does take this type of action film to, not the next level, but a darker place than it has been before and for that he should be congratulated. I loved it for the darker edge but unfortunately Schwarzenegger just doesn't work with the concept. This isn't a film suited to him in the slightest and it really shows. Olivia Williams is brilliant in her role as investigating Detective but her character's romance with Schwarzenegger is cringworthingly bad and totally unconvincing. The film as a whole crumbles somewhat towards the end as the story becomes less and less convincing, it's performances and the idea are great, it's just bogged down with some major mistakes and poor decisions. A generous three stars.

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