Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Green Lantern
Dir: Martin Campbell
I have a feeling that the makers of The Green Lantern sacrificed the story for a PG-13 rating - I guess they've got to make money, but the question remains, if you're going to do something, why not do it properly? I'm a big comic fan but not so much a fan of Green Lantern. He/they would pop up in other DC publications from time to time and I would buy a few just to answer a few niggling question and to complete various series (yes, I'm a geek). I've always liked the idea of many different alien members of The Green Lantern corp and although I'm glad they featured here, they really needed more of them and more screen time. The whole film could have been an introduction to the corp only. The sequel could have been the first fight - this just felt too formulaic and too much too soon, we've seen it all before, same film different uniform. The use of the green power here is also appalling, it felt like a cartoon, which is dangerous considering the less than brilliant CGI. Also, Ryan Reynolds is in it. Need I say more?

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