Tuesday 10 February 2015

Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
Dir: Clint Eastwood
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil is one part true story and one part Savannah. Known for its colourful characters, Voodoo and distinct Gothic style, Savannah is a stunning backdrop to the film and a leading character in its own right. Given the subject matter, why did Clint Eastwood choose this film to direct? Because the book by John Berendt was Bestseller for 216 weeks I suspect, seeing as Homosexuals aren't always portrayed particularly positively in his other films. I digress, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil is a quirky murder thriller, full of intrigue, suspense and a cracking court scene but with that little extra that most thrillers just don't have. The performances are strong and the script is very clever. The inclusion of a real life character from the book was an interesting move and really worked, I can't see that happening today with most directors as I'm sure it would be seen as a distraction. It's a unique thriller, something of a rarity and a film you'll want to watch more than once.

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