Wednesday 4 February 2015

Treasure Island
Dir: John Hough ,Andrea BianchiAntonio Margheriti
1972's Treasure Island is pretty far from being my favorite version of the Robert Louis Stevenson classic. Orson Wells is probably the greatest actor to have ever taken on the role as Long John Silver but his is far from the best portrayal of the world famous character. Too many cooks spoil the broth is a phrase that springs to mind when looking in depth into this production, exactly how many directors are needed to make a film and quite frankly, you'd expect a much better looking film the more people work on it wouldn't you? Everything about the film looks amateur and cheap, even by 1970's 'made for TV' standards. It's a darker version to give it some credit but it has none of the adventure of the book, none of the intrigue or passion. Give me the Muppet's version over this every time!

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