Wednesday 11 March 2015

Inglourious Basterds
Dir: Quentin Tarantino
An exciting but far from historically accurate War film in the vein of The Dirty Dozen and of course the Exploitation film from which it got its name. I've had issues with Quentin Tarantino for some time now, a film fan who assembles other peoples ideas, makes a cake out of them and claims credit for himself. Here he proves me wrong. Sure some of his ideas have been inspired from elsewhere but this is truly a film, made by a film fan, for other film fans, that is both original and outstanding. Wouldn't it have been great if this was historically accurate? A sure sign of a great War film, as most of them inherit an artistic licence when it comes to History, at least with Inglorious Basterds they don't even try to be accurate and go all out into the realms of fantasy. There are so many standout scenes to cherish here including an intense undercover stand-off, every scene with Christoph Waltz in and a very brutal assassination of Adolf himself. The script is brilliant, ten times better than Pulp Fiction's which is drivel in comparison. The finest Quentin Tarantino film so far and the most entertaining war film in years. I've always said that a good war film is an anti-war film but this is the exception to the rule. The only thing I don't like is the stupid spelling of the word Basterd! Apart from that, this is something very special and I can't recommend it enough.

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