Wednesday 11 March 2015

Shark Attack 3Megalodon
Dir: David Worth
Shark Attack 3Megalodon, the second sequel of the trilogy, is....brilliant! David Worth learnt that taking such a film too seriously was a mistake, so instead he made the best worst film ever made. Sit through the boring beginning, it is worth it my friends, because the ridiculous but fantastic ending (where the shark eats everything no matter what size it is) is well worth the wait. John Barrowman is the (unlikely) hero this time,he camps it up no end and is a joy to watch. The best thing about the film, other than the Shark eating a speedboat, is that they kept all of Barrowman's ad-lib stuff in the finished cut, so quite unexpectedly, half way through a romantic conversation between the two leads, Barrowman's character says; "I'm a little wired... what do you say I take you home and eat your pussy?". It has to be seen to be believed my friends. If anyone has doubts about the term 'Worst Best Movie' then I suggest you watch this immediately and preferably drunk.

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