Monday 16 March 2015

The Family Stone
Dir: Thomas Bezucha
It's fair to say that even before sitting down to watch The Family Stone, the chances It was going to be my kind of film were slim. They couldn't have been slimmer. I was open minded, but it fast became clear that this wasn't the quirky little indie that Tom 'Bazuka That Verruka' Bezucha thought (thinks) it was. I truly believe that this film and others like it should have a higher rating as I honestly believe that this gives out a dangerous message to young impressionable minds. I regard films such as Halloween and Friday the 13th less harmful to be honest and would rather my kids watch them rather than this horrid mess (although I won't let my kids watch them, I'm just making a point). The Family Stone develops its characters only to contradict itself halfway through, shattering any believability, drama or humour by firing off a machine gun of contrived relationships, conversations and interactions. It's a complete mess and feels like it's been made up while filming. Its final conclusion is actually insulting to anyone with half a brain over the age of 7. Absolute garbage.

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