Wednesday 11 March 2015

The Infidel
Dir: Josh Appignanesi
I'm sure a lot of people have been put off this film by the poster, that and the fact the words 'Comedy' and 'British' usually disappoint when it comes to recent mainstream comedy. Don't judge a book by its cover (or your own prejudices and misconceptions). There is really good British comedy out there, and here is the proof. So forget Notting Hill, East is East and all that crap, The Infidel is intelligent, daring but most importantly funny. Omid Djalili is as good as always and I must say it's nice to see him in a lead role and not as a stereotype in some Hollywood blockbuster. There are some good cameos here also from some great British comedians. When you can make people laugh using one of the most touchy subjects, you have done well. It was written by David Baddiel though so I'm not surprised, and even if you don't like him as a performer, you have to admire is brilliant writing. Watch this and laugh, then watch Four Lions and laugh some more because if you can't laugh what is the point, we're a funny lot us humans.

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