Monday 23 March 2015

The Last Exorcism Part II
Dir: Ed Gass-Donnelly
The Last Exorcism Part II is an oxymoron but I will ignore this and move on. The first film used the faux-documentary/found footage style fairly well but while I'm glad they decided against it in the sequel, it does seem a bit odd that they haven't as very little connects the two films. Nell Sweetzer survives the first film (somehow) and remembers little of what happened to her and is put in a sort of half-way house for mentally unstable women. Scares are few and unoriginal, cliches come thick and fast and there is little horror or suspense. If it weren't for a brilliant and surreal last two minutes it would be a one star film but if they make a 3rd film in the same vein as the conclusion in this film I will first in line for a ticket.

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