Monday 16 March 2015

The Next Three Days
Dir: Paul Haggis
I hadn't realised that Paul Haggis's 2010 The Next Three Days was a remake of the French film Pour elle until now, which is slightly annoying as I try to make a point of seeing the originals before the subsequent remakes. I hope the original is better, as although I liked the story, ridiculous as it is, I couldn't help but think it could have been better. At times it felt like it was trying to be something it wasn't and now I understand why. Wasted opportunity, or maybe not, maybe it's just a crap remake for people who don't like reading, I don't know. It's not a horrible film though, there are echos of other thrillers that deal with the same issue, it's very average, but I did like the ending which I thought wasn't in the least bit predictable. I'll just have to see the original I suppose.

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