Thursday 7 May 2015

Kilometer 31 (Aka KM 31)
Dir: Rigoberto Castañeda
Kilometer 31 is a dull, cliched and tiresome 'I've seen it all before' Mexican horror that is a haunted house horror at heart, except the haunted house in this instance, is a haunted road. That's right, haunted tarmac. I'm bored of the dark lighting, bored of the slightly Green tint, bored of the editing, bored of the false promise, bored of all of it. Modern horror has got lazy, everything is starting to feel like a cheap knock-off of The Ring and not the better original version either. There are quite a few pointless sub-plots in the film that seem to get forgotten towards the end and a lot of it just doesn't add up. My biggest gripe though is that no one seems to be able to see a car coming even when they are facing it on a long road. Are the cars Ghosts? Lazy and forgettable, not in the least bit scary either.

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