Friday 12 June 2015

Terminal Velocity
Dir: Deran Sarafian
I think it's fair to say that David Twohy is better at writing fantasy/sci-fi then he is thriller (with the exception of The Fugitive). There are quite a few good ideas in Terminal Velocity's script but most of them are ruined and undermined by badly written characters and tedious cliches. The initial mystery of a woman falling from a plane was intriguing enough, they didn't really need the KGB plot, the Gold Theft, Missing airplane or the ridiculous Rocket Train thing. Charlie Sheen's character is painfully out of date and worse then any chauvinistic performance that has come before, it's hard to believe it isn't a spoof character, like the one he played in Hot Shots, just three years previous. The script is also shockingly bad at times, some of the sexual innuendos made my stomach churn. There isn't as much sky diving as you'd expect from a sky diving film but what there is is pretty impressive, the scene with the Car at the end of the film slightly making up for all the rubbish that had made up the rest of the film. It's early 90's cheese, usually a good thing but this one is starting to stink the fridge up a bit. 

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