Tuesday 8 December 2015

Christmas in the Clouds
Dir: Kate M. Barker
Kate M. Barker's Christmas in the Clouds is a little misleading in that it's not really about Christmas, it just so happens to have occurred before/after (it's never made clear) the day itself. However, it's a nice and simple story, without the usual cliched Christmas mishaps and with a rather good script. The cast is made up of mainly Native American actors, this isn't really a huge aspect of the story and doesn't seem to be an intentional gimmick or selling point, as it were. The acting itself is rather good and convincing, although a few performances from some of the better known actors, is a little over the top a times. I have to say though, the synopsis of a 'Classic comedy of mistaken identity and romance set during the holiday season at a ski resort' did conjure up a more interesting film than this in my mind. It's really not a comedy, not is it a great romance film. It's just nice. Really really nice and as dull as nice can be. I don't want to be mean about the film, it doesn't deserve it and it would be like bullying that skinny nerdy kid at school. It's just that I wasn't in the slightest bit interested and I'm not sure who is/was/would be?

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